Ever since that container house idea, I've been thinking of what I'll do with the kitchen. Since we'll have a limited space, the kitchen area will be just one wall around 15ft. It will not be a separate room, just right there in living/dining space, so it must be pretty and organized. I'm not a good cook. No, I rarely cook at all. I once cooked a scrambled egg that saltier than an actual salted egg. True story. But that doesn't mean that I don't wanna learn along the way. Or maybe I can go aboard that healthy bandwagon and juice everything. Haha... The point is, I wanna do all that in one pretty kitchen, however small.
I'd like to paint the walls and ceiling of the entire space white. Living, dining, kitchen -- all white. It will be the best backdrop for everything I'd like to incorporate. I don't know, but I'm just loving white these days, especially in sunlit rooms. So that goes with the big windows plan. Anyways, since everything will be white, I don't want to have white cabinetries. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd like to have more contrast. So I'm going for black. What else is more contrasting to white right? I love colors and I've thought about putting up color for the cabinets, but I wanted to have something more neutral in base pieces and have lots of colors in furnishing and accessories.
These are great example of white kitchens with black cabinetries, though most of these are mostly neutral, add some colors to it and that would be my dream kitchen.
That venthood is awesome. If budget permits, I'd like to have a copper one. Yeah I'm dreaming. Haha
Ok so this is more on the industrial home dream with all that cement walls and floors, and no I won't be plastering the container walls with cement, but this kitchen looks so great that I might consider it. Haha.. No I'm not.
Hanging exposed bulbs. Cheap easy alternative for your lighting needs.
I'll be having a window over the sink as well much like this. Minus that beautiful tiles. And instead of gold accents, I'd like copper. :)
I won't be doing this, but I'm loving all the white framing the black cabinet doors.
Ok, this is space is a dream. That awkwardly configured cabinets, oh and that ugly yet super interesting and probably super cozy couch. Love the worn leather with the sleek modern kitchen. Contrast.
Since we're on a budget (haven't I stressed that enough?? haha) I don't want to ducco finish the cabinetries since that would cost a lot more. I'll have them stained black instead, just like this kitchen. A little rough, yes, but still pretty though. We'd like to save as much as possible, but we'd like it to look intentional.
Best photo to show that black and wood looks so well together.
As you've noticed, all of the cabinets here just have a flat plain doors. No trims whatsoever. That's what we'll do. Aside from the fact that it's cheaper, I just love the simplicity.
As you can see, I've been thinking details of a still imaginary house. A little crazy but it gives me something to look forward to. Also as "The Secret" says, send out your dreams and wishes to the universe and it shall be done. Something to that effect. So universe, here's my plans for the kitchen and I'll be sending you my dreams for the entire house as well, so you have a job to do. Haha