I recently had the privilege to style a shoot for Crossings Home. Its really fun to look around their store and look for items I can put together to create a look. I did 5 layouts for this. I can't show the looks yet, I'll be sharing them one at a time as they get published. But here are what went on behind the lens...
We did the shoot at Pioneer Studios.
It's decor heaven in there. If only I can bring them home.. hahaha
Studio assistants at work.
Had this backdrop made to hang artworks to complete the set.
Me and my staff at work.
Photographer Daemon Becker.
The backdrop was painted 4 times in between layouts.
Accessories galore!
Here are a sneak peek of what we did. Blurry, but you can at least see a little bit of it. Can't wait to share them once they're out!
I really had fun doing the shoot. It's like decorating 5 spaces in one day with all the accessories and furniture with in arms reach. If only its that easy to do that in real life... haha
And lastly, I wanna say thank you to Ms Xandra and Renee for the trust. Sa uulitin! :)
A lot of us has been transitioning to normal day job to work at home set-up. Maybe I was just speaking for myself since I know a lot of people who does work from home, and I have been for more than 3 years! Wow its been that long since I experienced an actual job. To be honest, I don't miss it. haha...
The point is if you work from home, you need a workspace at home. That's actually my inspiration for this HO of the day series. But this particular photo is an example on how you can fit in a proper workspace within your living space. If you have a living room, you definitely can have an office. It's a little tight I know, but you gotta work with what you have. And it doesn't hurt if it looks this lovely.
Today, for the first time, I got to style a set for a magazine cover. It's a bit different from doing a real home. For starters, you can't do a real living room in just an hour. haha.. You need to consider colors and pretty things in both real life and set, but for this, framing (what goes in the picture) is key. Which is why this set-up has been changed more than a few times for the entire shoot. But who am I to give insights, this is my first time after all. What do I know? Haha
I'm just thankful for the opportunity. :)
The peg is Modern Vibrant. This is the set.
I'll share the details as soon as the issue came out.
Tomorrow is another day. Another shoot. This time its for an ad, and it will be 5 layouts! Excited!!
Sofa, artwork, side table, vase, flowers, lavender throw pillow --from Crossings Shangrila
Accent chair, center table, lamp, other throw pillows, curtains, rug --from Our Home, Interior Zone North Edsa
For the longest time, this girl was standing up while doing her face. She just haven't found the perfect stool for the job. Well, she wasn't actually looking since her room had taken a decorating backseat when real projects came into the picture.
One day, while doing some sourcing for those said real projects, she saw this piece.
She asked how much was it. Its 100 pesos. She knew exactly what to do with it. Off she went and bought a can of gold spray paint. Within the same day, the stool went from that..
...to this.
She was ecstatic. The spray paint cost more than the stool itself. She got the fabric from some left-over from a previous project.
"Doesn't look like 100 Php now" she thought to herself while giddily smiling in front of the vanity.. sitting down. Finally.
But she wasn't done. The can has more in it and can take more stuff. She look around the house to see what else to goldify. This is the victim.
Her work table doesn't have enough space, and a rolling side table is perfect to house all the other clutter.
Here she is now. In all her STILL uncluttered glory.
And that is what a can of gold spray paint can do.
Now I know I can never be a story teller. Haha
This post is about rug inspirations slash plea to home decor stores here in the Philippines to please bring in gorgeous rugs.. Pretty please! Yes we have some rug options here, but most are very plain. I am yet to find beautiful graphic rugs. I know many Filipinos doesn't use them because of dust issues, but if we can sweep the floors every other day, then we can certainly vacuum a piece of rug once a week.
These rooms are all pretty as it is, even without the rugs, but see how those pattern on the floors totally completes the space. They add pattern, color, and texture.
source unknown
source unknown
elle decor
source unknown
See? Lovely. Just lovely.
If anyone can tell me where I can buy something like these here, tell me now. Haha.. My last resort is to order online, have it sent to a family in LA (most of their online store doesn't ship to the Phil, if they do, huge shipping fees plus I-don't-even-wanna-think-about-it custom tax-- not an option), have my family send them to me via balikbayan box, and wait a month. OR someone rich import them and sell? If only I can.
This is some seriously edgy glam home office. That scientific poster together with the fur throw and all the black elements made this uniquely fabulous. Edgy, raw, and glam doesn't usually describe one space, but those are all this space is, and more.