I'm not so big on new year's resolution. I used to always have one in the past, but most of us know that resolution almost always never get resolved. It's like the sibling of promise, they are all meant to be broken. Ha! But here I am, going to jot down things I'd like to accomplish/change in the year 2013. I'll call this New Year's Goal. Very profound, I know.
2012 is a so-so year for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm so blessed. Projects are still rolling in, beyond my capacity actually. And I'm forever grateful. Plus, the bf and I opened DuoDeco Studio, which is a dream that I still can't believe is actually now our reality. But my sort of ADD brain is getting the best of me, and I need to make changes asap. When better to start this life altering goal, the new year of course. :)

1. Hit reply button as soon as I read the message. I know so easy right? Nope. I have this weird sickness of reading all messages and telling myself that I'll get back to it later. Then later becomes tomorrow. And tomorrow becomes the day after. It goes on. So if I still owe you an email (mostly re inquiries), I'm sorry! I'll get to that very soon.
2. Only 4 projects at a time, max. I love doing this work, and sometimes, it's hard to say no. It's a blessing after all. But juggling too many won't do me and the clients any good. I'd love to give 100% each time, so I'm setting a limit. This will be good.
3. Organize. My room. Our office. My thoughts. Clutter is such a hindrance to productivity, I knew it too well. So I want to keep (at least my working space) free of clutter so I can have a clear mind.
4. Give more time and attention to our new baby, DuoDeco Studio. Starting a business, even a small one, is so time consuming. It took us months to get here, and a lot more work has to be done. I love our studio, it's ours. It's our home. So 2013, we'll make it flourish.
5. Blog MORE. Oh my gawd I've been saying this for months. Before all the project came coming in, I was blogging every other day. Now it came down to 4-6 post per month. Eeeek. I'm actually surprised that you guys are still reading in. Haha... But seriously, this blog started it all. It gave me work, I met some really nice people through this. So I need to get on it to keep this ball rolling. Goal: At least 10 post/month.
6. Exercise. It's been years since I did some serious work-out. Embarrassing. I want to live a little healthier in 2013. Do some sweat inducing activity at least once a week. Cut on sugar. God knows how I love desserts, but I know it will be good for me. I'm getting a year older after all.
7. Travel. The last time I went abroad was in 2010, at Vietnam with my cousin. That was it. She had travelled at least 20 times after that, and as for me, nadda. This coming year, I want to go out of the country at least once. Hello?? HK is not that far away, what's keeping me? Really, I'm itching.
I miss watching the sunrise at a cruise with cool wind blowing my hair.
Oo mahangin sa labas! Haha.. At Panama Canal Cruise 2009.
I miss chillin around vegas strip.
Literally. Nagchi-chill nako sa ginaw! haha. 2009.
Haist. I shall return.
8. Go out more. Have fun. Relax. Enjoy life. All the cliches. But really, I want that. In order for us to function properly, we need to take a breather once in a while. Or else, baliw-baliwan ang drama.
I know this list is so vague, but at least I got one so I can check back here once in a while to assess if I'm at least close to changing/achieving this stuff. I would love to have a detailed bucket-list of sort, but for now, this is fine to keep me sane. Balance balance balance!
Fingers, toes, legs crossed! Wish me luck. :)
Every new year is full of surprises, new adventures, triumphs, and failures as well. That is very true for me this year. Had a lot of new projects; had some not so good experience which I've learned so much from; started a new venture for me and the bf - DuoDeco Studio; welcomed a new member of the family -my beautiful baby niece, Raeka; and a lot of other things to be grateful for.
This Christmas, let us all look back at this year with gratitude and look forward with hope. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas, and a fabulous new year!
After months of doing over the space and simultaneously building our inventory, we are now officially open! :) Check out our newest shop DuoDecoStudio.com.
Whew! It has been a very stressful, tiring, but fun couple of months, and I can't wait to show you what we've done with the space. If you want to know the whole story about how we got this place, and how DuoDeco Studio came about, you can read it here.
I have a lot to say about this makeover so before I start blabbering non-sense, lets get to the reveal, shall we?
We turned the enclosed outdoor space as showroom as well to utilized square footage. There's a little living room set-up happening the moment you enter the place. The entrance to the main showroom is complete with a floor mat ala red carpet. :)
This is what you'll see when you enter the main door. Chalkboard accent wall with display shelves. The whole wall on the right showcases our mirror collection.
That is the view of the main door. We switched it to open outside to maximize the floor area inside. The BF made that door Eiffel tower silhouette. Cute noh?
The other half of the showroom. Our mini reception / office is on the far left. That's where we can all sit to discuss your purchase and make chika. Haha
By removing the wall, we opened up the whole floor for better flow. Artworks and painting are all over the walls, and even though hard to maintain, I love love love our labor of love, the painted floors.
Here are more photos of the space. I did took what feels like a million shots of the space just to document this big milestone. Haha...
Here's the wall art I did on the blank wall outside. And yeah, we painted our gate gold.
Our biggest piece is this mid-century modern sofa set. The three-seater sofa is actually 3 pieces which I find cool, and I'm not even fond of the word cool.
Chairs! More chairs! Told you I'm into chairs. Haha
One of my fave is this shell accent chair.
Our paintings on the wall ala art gallery.
Eeeeehhh! Dizizit! So thrilled on how this place turned out. Hope you guys can come visit and see our hard work personally. If I'm not in meetings, client calls, or site visits, you'll surely find me here. Come over for a meet and greet. (Meet and greet??? Feeling artisita? Haha)
Please do check out our stuff and get some pieces for your home. These are one-of-a-kind pieces so if you see something you like, grab it. :)
Website: http://www.DuoDecoStudio.com
Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/DuoDecoStudio
Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DuoDecoStudio
See you guys soon!
There will always be some nook and crannies in your home that can be converted into a home office, lets say the bedside, for instance. I know it's not ideal to have your workspace right beside the bed, but if space is tight then this is a great options. Look how it's working for this space, and I love the shelves as the back wall for the bed. A really double purpose room.
So here's a simple update that might not even require words to this post. Haha.. But this is not a photo blog so a few sentences wouldn't hurt. Since we're renting out an old apartment for the showroom, we're not afraid to experiment and paint the hell out of it. Even the stair riser. We wanted a little pop of color on that side of the room so here's my solution....
The design supposed to cover the entire span of the riser, but its too darn tedious covering the corners and all so I ended up just doing a zigzag in the middle. Haha...
There you have it, out painted riser. Simple update, but it makes me smile every time I go up.
Last night's agenda was to clean and organize our office. I thought it would take me two hours max, but between the organizing and freecell games, it took me four instead. Yes I'm addicted to freecell solitaire, that is my go-to break time game. Haha....
Here is the somewhat cleaner office as of date...
Haha! That is the clean version. Imagine piles and piles of stuff on the table and all over the floors. Add dust to that pile and you'll have a non-stop sneezing machine -me. But it's getting closer and closet to our moodboard...
Most element are already there: table, his and hers chair, DIY hanging light, green bookcase, gold rocker and bar cart, wood floors, and black and white walls. Next on the list is accessorizing! I really want to see lots of art hanging on our wall.
Here's the bookshelf, or can we say zoo?
It became the dumping ground for all our knick-knacks which, as it turned out, were lots and lots of animals.
Tried to organize them a bit, but this shelf is far from done. More books and less stuff would be ideal, but this would do for now....
The hanging light was DIYed by the bf. He made it out of scrap metals and fruit crates.
It turned out so beautiful. I love it. And I love him. Eeeeehhheee....
Again, another creation from the bf, this scrap metal deer head, and faux antique keys. Expect lots of his creations from DuoDeco Studio. :)
This office still needs a lot of love, and most importantly, internet connection. Ha! But I'm just happy we're halfway there.
See? :)
Afraid of color? Try this. A collage of black and white photos plastered on an entire wall to achieve a very dramatic and graphic look sans colors. A sophisticated version of the all too popular i-will-decorate-my-dorm-by-filling-walls-with-posters look. Haha
It's been a looooong time since I last did a DIY. 8 months long to be exact. The last DIY was this stool and side table I spray painted gold. I'm not even sure if you can consider it that since it's just spray paint after all. This project we did was from from it! It took us 15 hours of work, haha!
It all started from my ambitious plan of painting a pattern to the floors. Remember the moodboard I did for the showroom? Since we wanted everything to be within budget, we don't want to replace the floors, but the ancient vinyl installed won't do it. So paint it is! We had the floors painted white.
I did a sketch of the pattern. Since a 12x12 vinyl was the former flooring, it already has a grid. I made the pattern based on the grid so we won't have to do any measuring.
This is probably the most tedious of all... taping! We used around 14 rolls of masking tape. Most of the masking tape we bought won't adhere properly to the floors, I cursed the tape numerous of times. It did help a bit. Haha
We cut excess tape to prep for the paint. Here's the floor all taped up.
Almost done with the painting!
But before the final reveal, here's another side story. You see, we wore socks the entire time we walked on the newly painted white floors since it doesn't have any top coat yet. But as clumsy/careless as we are, one of each our sock got into a little black paint accident. Which lead us into resorting to this....
A plastic, and paper bag slash sock. Wala lang.. hahaha
Here we are before removing the tape. Souvenir of our little incident and this whole shenanigan.
Let me just remind you on how we started the moment we first saw the place...
And now here it is with the painted floors, courtesy of me and the bf. :)
The almost done kitchen sans the teal fridge and yellow stove. That story is for another post.
Top view.
Don't be fooled by this photos, the floors isn't perfect, there's a lot of paint bleed and crooked lines since the old vinyl has a lot of chips and cracks, but we love it nonetheless. Though after putting a polyurethane top coat to protect the floors, they are now yellowish. Of course I love white better than yellow, but I'd rather have a yellowish floors than a very dirty hard to clean white one. Sabi nga ni bf... "Kunwari na lang vintage..." haha
There you have it, one step closer to our finish showroom. :)