Exposed brick walls

1/19/2012 11:28:00 PM

I love white painted brick walls! In fact, I have used a faux white brick wall in Food Stylist's Office, and I'm using yet another painted white bricks for the lanai of one of my current clients.

But there's something so charming about untouched bricks as well. Its natural color is so warm and raw that it gives any space a welcoming vibe. 

Here are some of my favorite spaces with exposed bricks...

Casual Glam


Bachelor's Pad

Industrial Chic





You can see that bricks are so versatile and can work well with any type of design. Even though its color is a bit imposing, it actually blends in and amped up the cozy factor in any space. If you have them in your home now, flaunt them.

Enough of brick talk, I'm now signing off to finish about 108,000 on my to-do list tonight. Good night to you and good luck to me. 


  1. I don't know which one I like most!! They're all so beautiful!

  2. When I grow up, I soooooo want to be like you. :-)

  3. @I-article.. I know right? :)

    @anonymous.. aww thanks!


Thanks for dropping by. I'd love to hear what you think! :)

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