My favorite AT house tour to date!

3/22/2011 09:20:00 AM

I've seen a lot of Apartment therapy house tours, it's one of my inspiration source since I get to see houses of real people. You know those kind who has your average joe's budget, and has real stuff lying around. You can read their inspirations and design decisions that a lot of us can really relate to.

This one house caught my eyes BIG time. I can relate to this house alright. And I can even relate to Joi, the owner and talented mind behind this space. All this gorgeousness was done under a tight budget, but she still infuses a lot of fun and bright things which doesn't look like some scrimping even took place.

So why is this house calling my name? Here's the breakdown...

1) Fun bright patterns everywhere
The rug and all her throw pillow doesn't match, but they go together really well.

I need those disc hangers! I want to do this plate gallery in our kitchen but can't find those hangers here.

2) Frame gallery
I'm pretty sure I've established the fact that I have a fascination with frame galleries. Want proof? See here.

3) Stripe wall
No explanation needed. Just see it here.

4) Pops of fun colors here and there
Colored lamps against a dark wall? Yes please.

5) Yellow and Grey
I find myself loving most of yellow and grey rooms I see around, it even got its own appearance on our home.

6) Pillow with borders
Both of my new bedding set thanks to Divi fabrics will have borders. It just adds a graphic element without being too overwhelming. 

7) Ornate mirrors
I love any ornate details, especially in frames and mirrors! I'm lucky to have old pieces of furniture in our house that have those -the vanity and entry mirror. In my future house (Oh please God, help me achieve that dream!) I'm sure you'll see a lot of painted ornate stuff.

Do you now get why out of all the house tours on AT, this one stands out for me? It's very much ME. I also spent hours devouring over Joi's blog, if you love her home, you'll love her blog too!

I need to go now, I'll be painting and day dreaming that someday I'll have a house tour of my own.

*Check out the entire AT tour here


  1. yes I like this house a lot!! very nice!

  2. I love Joi's blog. Her house is amazing and everything she does is price conscious. She was one of the first few blogs I read. I love that!

  3. Hey I love your blog and cute thrifty ideas. As far as the plate chargers, I used hot glue, some twine and a button. I put a glob of hot glue on the back of the plate, made a loop with the twine and then used a button to smash it on (and not burn my finger) :). I have used this method several times and have had no plate casualties yet!


  4. Gorgeous!! And I definitely see your style in it :)


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