HO of the day: Honey

2/01/2011 02:00:00 AM

House of Honey Interiors lives up to their name when they created this office, it's so amazingly suuhwweeet! It's so cozy, personal, and fluffy. Yep, fluffy! I just want to flop down on that chair and chill work.


  1. That is a GREAT looking room! I love the screen in the corner.

  2. I can stand behind this office design! I lean toward brighter colors instead of pastels, but this one has enough quirk to be comfortable for me :) If a space is not quirky I cannot work in it!

  3. @Tonia, I want it too! I'd give it to the BF since he's an aries. haha

    @Suzanne, yeah really great screen in a very lovely color.

    @Van, I'm with you. I love color and I want it around me! :)


Thanks for dropping by. I'd love to hear what you think! :)

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